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Don't Text and Drive Campaign

How an orthodontist appeared in Channel 10 news and the front cover of his local magazine

Results = Increased Facebook likes and interactions by 1000% within 40 days of launch using rivvid's video trivia platform to campaign the Don't Text and Drive initiative.


An orthodontist opted for a custom game solution by launching: His goal was to increase brand awareness by encouraging pre-teens to text the phone located strategically next to the video trivia quiz on the computer and at the same time answer video trivia questions. This effort was to put in perspective that “multi-tasking” is not as effective as one thinks when your attention span is put to the challenge. Becoming AWARE how these bad habits are being formulated will help pre-teens understand not to perform these actions behind the wheel.This campaign combined the efforts of what pre-teens love which is their phone, the content of the video trivia was based of a channel called “Teen Talk” which covered conversations from skateboarding to what movies featured line dancing (since Footloose was hot then). The results from that campaign were increased Facebook likes and interactions by 1000% within 40 days of launch, more moms playing the quiz than their kids (from a business standpoint moms have influence over household decisions), appearing on the cover of his local magazine, and click here to check out news coverage.

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